घुमक्कड़ी दिल से का रांसी -चोपता अनूठा मिलन
रांसी -चोपता मिलन
माह नबम्बर वर्ष 2017 में "घुमक्कड़ी दिल ♥ से " व्हाट्सअप ग्रुप का सालाना मिलन समारोह उतराखंड के गढ़वाल भाग में स्थित "रांसी और चोपता" में आयोजित किया गया । ये महामिलन देश के विभिन्न राज्यों से आये घुमक्कड़ बन्धूओ के सामूहिक प्रयासों से सफल हो पाया । चलिए आप सभी के सम्मुख प्रस्तुत है इस महामिलन के बारे में कुछ संक्षेप में वर्णन -
अनूठा अनुपम छत्तीसगढ़
01:50छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य पर्यटन की दृष्टि से भारत का सर्वोत्तम प्रदेश माना जा सकता है। यहाँ अभ्यराण्य, नदी-घाटी सभ्यताओं के अवशेष, पुरातात्विक महत्व के स्मारक, नदियाँ, जलप्रपात, झरने, पर्वत, जलाशय, वन्य प्राणी, आदि मानव के द्वारा निर्मित शैलाश्रय, धार्मिक स्थल, वानस्पति एवं जैव विविधता, सांस्कृतिक विरासत, विभिन्न तरह के उत्सवों के संग बस्तर का 75 दिनों के विश्व प्रसिद्ध दशहरा के साथ प्रतिवर्ष राजिम में कुंभ का आयोजन दर्शनीय है। बस्तर एवं सरगुजा पारम्परिक आदिवासी काष्ठ एवं धातू शिल्प विश्व प्रसिद्ध होने के साथ-साथ टसर के महीन धागे से निर्मित यहाँ का कोसा सिल्क का दुनिया में कोई मुकाबला नहीं।
पर्यटन की दृष्टि से हम देखें तो छत्तीसगढ़ प्रकृति की लाडली संतान है। जिस तरह एक माता अपनी संतानों में से किसी एक संतान से विशेष अनुराग एवं स्नेह रखती है, उसी तरह प्रकृति भी छत्तीसगढ़ की धरती से अपना विशेष अनुराग प्रकट करती है। इस पूण्य भूमि में दक्षिण कोसल के राजा भानुमंत की पुत्री मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान राम की माता कौसल्या ने जन्म लिया था। प्रकृति की गोद में बसे भगवान राम के ननिहाल (दक्षिण कोसल) छत्तीसगढ़ में एक ओर निर्मल जल की धार लिए प्रवाहित होती शास्त्रों में वर्णित चित्रोत्पला गंगा (महानदी) शिवनाथ, इंद्रावती, हसदेव, अरपा, पैरी, सोंढूर, मनियारी, महान, हाफ़, लीलागर, डंकिनी-शंखिनी आदि नदियाँ हैं तो दूसरी तरफ़ तीरथगढ़, चित्रकोट जैसे जलप्रपात के साथ छोटे बड़े झरने शस्य श्यामल धरा को मनोहर रुप प्रदान करते हैं।
छत्तीसगढ़ में धार्मिक पर्यटन के साथ एडवेंचर पर्यटन के लिए भी बहुत सारे स्थान हैं। वैष्णव क्षेत्र के रुप में हमारे यहां पद्मावती नगरी राजिम, शिवरीनारायण, इत्यादि महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है, शक्ति स्थलों में दंतेश्वरी मंदिर दंतेवाड़ा, महामाया रतनपुर, बम्लेश्वरी डोंगरगढ़, खल्लारी माई खल्लारी (महासमुद) महामाया अम्बिकापुर एवं अन्य स्थल हैं। शैव धार्मिक स्थलों के रुप में राजिम पंचकोशी, कुलेश्वर, पटेश्वर, चम्पेश्वर, बम्हनेश्वर, कर्पुरेश्वर, फ़णीकेश्वर, विशाल प्राकृतिक शिवलिंग भूतेश्वरनाथ (गरियाबंद) बूढामहादेव रतनपुर, देवगढ़ सरगुजा इत्यादि हैं। रामायणकालीन दक्षिणापथ मार्ग से गुजरते हुए वर्तमान में भी हमें कदम-कदम पर धार्मिक दर्शनीय स्थल मिलते हैं।
छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का लगभग 44 फ़ीसदी भू-भाग वनों से अच्छादित है। यहाँ विभिन्न तरह की वन सम्पदा के साथ जैविक विविधता भी दिखाई देती है। यहाँ सबसे अधिक वन संपदा एवं वन्यप्राणि है। वन्य प्राणियों एवं वनों की रक्षा करने के लिए यहाँ इंद्रावती, कांगेर, गुरु घासीदास राष्ट्रीय उद्यान हैं। साथ ही अचानकमार, बादलखोल, बारनवापारा, सेमरसोत, सीतानदी, तमोर पिंगला ,भैरमगढ़, भोरमदेव, गोमर्डा, पामेड़, उदन्ती अभयारण्य हैं। इंदिरा उद्यान, कानन पेंडारी चिड़ियाघर, मैत्री बाग चिड़ियाघर, नंदन वन चिड़ियाघर रायपुर एवं कोटमी सोनार मगरमच्छ पार्क भी है जो पर्यटकों की आंखों के रास्ते हृदय को प्रफ़ुल्लित करती है। वन प्रेमी एवं वन्य फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी करने वाले पर्यटकों के लिए छत्तीसगढ़ के वन किसी स्वर्ग से कम नहीं हैं।
इन राष्ट्रीय उद्यानों एवं अभ्यारण्यों में साल, सागौन, बेंत, धावड़ा, हल्दु, तेन्दु, कुल्लू , कुसुम, आंवला, कर्रा, जामुन, सेन्हा, आम, बहेडा, बांस आदि के वृक्ष पाए जाते हैं, इसके अतिरिक्त सफेद मूसली , काली मूसली , तेजराज, सतावर, रामदतौन, जंगली प्याज, जंगली हल्दी, तिखुर, सर्पगंधा आदी औषधीय पौधे भी पाए जाते हैं। वन्य प्राणियों में शेर, तेन्दुआ, बाघ, चीतल, सांभर, लकडबग्घा, जंगली भालू, काकड, सियार, घड़ियाल, जंगली सुअर, लंगूर, सेही, माऊस डीयर, छिंद, चिरकमाल,, खरगोश, सिवेट, सियार, लोमड़ी, नील गाय, उदबिलाव, गौर, जंगली भैंसा, विभिन्न तरह के सर्प एवं मुर्गे, मोर, धनेश, महोख, ट्रीपाई, बाज, चील, डीयर, हुदहुद, किंगफिशर, बसंतगौरी, नाइटजार, उल्लू, तोता, बीइटर , बगुला, मैना, आदि पक्षी पाये जाते है।
प्राचीन स्थलों का भ्रमण करने वाले पर्यटकों के लिए बस्तर से लेकर सरगुजा तक शिल्प सौंदर्य का खजाना बिखरा हुआ है। बस्तर में बारसुर, नारायणपाल, दंतेवाड़ा, तुलार, गुप्तेश्वर, ढंढोरेपाल, भोंगापाल, मध्य छत्तीसगढ़ में आरंग, रतनपुर , मदकू द्वीप, भोरमदेव, मड़वा महल, पचराही, चतुरभूजी धमधा, मल्हार, नकटा मंदिर जांजगीर, शिवरीनारायण, ताला, सिरपुर, खल्लारी, जांजगीर, नगपुरा, खरखरा, देवबलौदा, सिंघोड़ा, बालौद, तुरतुरिया, पलारी, गिरौदपुरी, दामाखेड़ा, सिहावा, चंदखुरी, दमऊधारा, पाली, लाफ़ागढ़, चैतुरगढ़ तथा सरगुजा में सीता बेंगरा रामगढ़ (प्राचीन नाट्यशाला) , सीतामढी, हरचौका, देवगढ़, हर्रा टोला बेलसर, सतमहला, डीपाडीह, आदि प्राचीन स्थल दर्शनीय हैं।
प्रागैतिहासिक काल के मानव सभ्यता के उषाकाल में छत्तीसगढ़ भी आदिमानवों के संचरण तथा निवास का स्थान रहा। इसके प्रमाण प्रमुख रूप से रायगढ़ जिले के सिंघनपुर, कबरा पहाड़, बसनाझर, बोसलदा, ओंगना पहाड़ और राजनांदगांव जिले के चितवाडोंगरी से प्राप्त होते हैं। आदिमानवों द्वारा निर्मित तथा प्रयुक्त विभिन्न प्रकार के पाषाण उपकरण, महानदी, मांड, कन्हार, मनियारी तथा केलो नदी के तटवर्ती भाग से प्राप्त होते हैं। सिंघनपुर तथा कबरा पहाड़ के शैलचित्र विविधता तथा शैली के कारण प्रागैतिहासिक काल के शैलचित्रों में विशेष रूप से चर्चित हैं। बस्तर के कुटुमसर, कैलास गुफ़ा का अदभुत सौंदर्य प्रकृति की शिल्पकारी उत्कृष्ट प्रमाण है। प्रागैतिहासिक काल के अन्य अवशेषों के एकाश्म शवाधान के बहुसंख्यक अवशेष रायपुर और दुर्ग जिले में पाए गए हैं।
प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य एवं सांस्कृतिक विविधता का सम्पूर्ण सौंदर्य छत्तीसगढ़ में देखने मिलता है। अंचल में पर्यटकों का निरंतर आना ही देश के घरेलू पर्यटकों के पसंदीदा राज्य के रुप में छत्तीसगढ़ को भारत में 10 वें नम्बर पर स्थापित करता है। केरल, हिमाचल, गोवा, उत्तराखंड जैसे पर्यटन के लिए स्थापित राज्यों को पछाड़ते हुए कम अवधि में शीर्ष दस में अपना स्थान बना लेना महत्वपूर्ण है। नवीन राज्य छतीसगढ़ के लिए यह गौरव की बात है कि पर्यटन के क्षेत्र में भी हम उल्लेखनीय प्रगति कर रहे हैं। आईए छत्तीसगढ़ दर्शन के लिए चलें और जाने छत्तीसगढ़ प्रकृति की लाडली संतान क्यों कहा जाता है।
ललित शर्मा
(प्रधान सम्पादक "न्यूज एक्सप्रेस डॉट कॉम)
पर्यटन की दृष्टि से हम देखें तो छत्तीसगढ़ प्रकृति की लाडली संतान है। जिस तरह एक माता अपनी संतानों में से किसी एक संतान से विशेष अनुराग एवं स्नेह रखती है, उसी तरह प्रकृति भी छत्तीसगढ़ की धरती से अपना विशेष अनुराग प्रकट करती है। इस पूण्य भूमि में दक्षिण कोसल के राजा भानुमंत की पुत्री मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान राम की माता कौसल्या ने जन्म लिया था। प्रकृति की गोद में बसे भगवान राम के ननिहाल (दक्षिण कोसल) छत्तीसगढ़ में एक ओर निर्मल जल की धार लिए प्रवाहित होती शास्त्रों में वर्णित चित्रोत्पला गंगा (महानदी) शिवनाथ, इंद्रावती, हसदेव, अरपा, पैरी, सोंढूर, मनियारी, महान, हाफ़, लीलागर, डंकिनी-शंखिनी आदि नदियाँ हैं तो दूसरी तरफ़ तीरथगढ़, चित्रकोट जैसे जलप्रपात के साथ छोटे बड़े झरने शस्य श्यामल धरा को मनोहर रुप प्रदान करते हैं।
छत्तीसगढ़ में धार्मिक पर्यटन के साथ एडवेंचर पर्यटन के लिए भी बहुत सारे स्थान हैं। वैष्णव क्षेत्र के रुप में हमारे यहां पद्मावती नगरी राजिम, शिवरीनारायण, इत्यादि महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है, शक्ति स्थलों में दंतेश्वरी मंदिर दंतेवाड़ा, महामाया रतनपुर, बम्लेश्वरी डोंगरगढ़, खल्लारी माई खल्लारी (महासमुद) महामाया अम्बिकापुर एवं अन्य स्थल हैं। शैव धार्मिक स्थलों के रुप में राजिम पंचकोशी, कुलेश्वर, पटेश्वर, चम्पेश्वर, बम्हनेश्वर, कर्पुरेश्वर, फ़णीकेश्वर, विशाल प्राकृतिक शिवलिंग भूतेश्वरनाथ (गरियाबंद) बूढामहादेव रतनपुर, देवगढ़ सरगुजा इत्यादि हैं। रामायणकालीन दक्षिणापथ मार्ग से गुजरते हुए वर्तमान में भी हमें कदम-कदम पर धार्मिक दर्शनीय स्थल मिलते हैं।
छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का लगभग 44 फ़ीसदी भू-भाग वनों से अच्छादित है। यहाँ विभिन्न तरह की वन सम्पदा के साथ जैविक विविधता भी दिखाई देती है। यहाँ सबसे अधिक वन संपदा एवं वन्यप्राणि है। वन्य प्राणियों एवं वनों की रक्षा करने के लिए यहाँ इंद्रावती, कांगेर, गुरु घासीदास राष्ट्रीय उद्यान हैं। साथ ही अचानकमार, बादलखोल, बारनवापारा, सेमरसोत, सीतानदी, तमोर पिंगला ,भैरमगढ़, भोरमदेव, गोमर्डा, पामेड़, उदन्ती अभयारण्य हैं। इंदिरा उद्यान, कानन पेंडारी चिड़ियाघर, मैत्री बाग चिड़ियाघर, नंदन वन चिड़ियाघर रायपुर एवं कोटमी सोनार मगरमच्छ पार्क भी है जो पर्यटकों की आंखों के रास्ते हृदय को प्रफ़ुल्लित करती है। वन प्रेमी एवं वन्य फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी करने वाले पर्यटकों के लिए छत्तीसगढ़ के वन किसी स्वर्ग से कम नहीं हैं।
इन राष्ट्रीय उद्यानों एवं अभ्यारण्यों में साल, सागौन, बेंत, धावड़ा, हल्दु, तेन्दु, कुल्लू , कुसुम, आंवला, कर्रा, जामुन, सेन्हा, आम, बहेडा, बांस आदि के वृक्ष पाए जाते हैं, इसके अतिरिक्त सफेद मूसली , काली मूसली , तेजराज, सतावर, रामदतौन, जंगली प्याज, जंगली हल्दी, तिखुर, सर्पगंधा आदी औषधीय पौधे भी पाए जाते हैं। वन्य प्राणियों में शेर, तेन्दुआ, बाघ, चीतल, सांभर, लकडबग्घा, जंगली भालू, काकड, सियार, घड़ियाल, जंगली सुअर, लंगूर, सेही, माऊस डीयर, छिंद, चिरकमाल,, खरगोश, सिवेट, सियार, लोमड़ी, नील गाय, उदबिलाव, गौर, जंगली भैंसा, विभिन्न तरह के सर्प एवं मुर्गे, मोर, धनेश, महोख, ट्रीपाई, बाज, चील, डीयर, हुदहुद, किंगफिशर, बसंतगौरी, नाइटजार, उल्लू, तोता, बीइटर , बगुला, मैना, आदि पक्षी पाये जाते है।
प्राचीन स्थलों का भ्रमण करने वाले पर्यटकों के लिए बस्तर से लेकर सरगुजा तक शिल्प सौंदर्य का खजाना बिखरा हुआ है। बस्तर में बारसुर, नारायणपाल, दंतेवाड़ा, तुलार, गुप्तेश्वर, ढंढोरेपाल, भोंगापाल, मध्य छत्तीसगढ़ में आरंग, रतनपुर , मदकू द्वीप, भोरमदेव, मड़वा महल, पचराही, चतुरभूजी धमधा, मल्हार, नकटा मंदिर जांजगीर, शिवरीनारायण, ताला, सिरपुर, खल्लारी, जांजगीर, नगपुरा, खरखरा, देवबलौदा, सिंघोड़ा, बालौद, तुरतुरिया, पलारी, गिरौदपुरी, दामाखेड़ा, सिहावा, चंदखुरी, दमऊधारा, पाली, लाफ़ागढ़, चैतुरगढ़ तथा सरगुजा में सीता बेंगरा रामगढ़ (प्राचीन नाट्यशाला) , सीतामढी, हरचौका, देवगढ़, हर्रा टोला बेलसर, सतमहला, डीपाडीह, आदि प्राचीन स्थल दर्शनीय हैं।
प्रागैतिहासिक काल के मानव सभ्यता के उषाकाल में छत्तीसगढ़ भी आदिमानवों के संचरण तथा निवास का स्थान रहा। इसके प्रमाण प्रमुख रूप से रायगढ़ जिले के सिंघनपुर, कबरा पहाड़, बसनाझर, बोसलदा, ओंगना पहाड़ और राजनांदगांव जिले के चितवाडोंगरी से प्राप्त होते हैं। आदिमानवों द्वारा निर्मित तथा प्रयुक्त विभिन्न प्रकार के पाषाण उपकरण, महानदी, मांड, कन्हार, मनियारी तथा केलो नदी के तटवर्ती भाग से प्राप्त होते हैं। सिंघनपुर तथा कबरा पहाड़ के शैलचित्र विविधता तथा शैली के कारण प्रागैतिहासिक काल के शैलचित्रों में विशेष रूप से चर्चित हैं। बस्तर के कुटुमसर, कैलास गुफ़ा का अदभुत सौंदर्य प्रकृति की शिल्पकारी उत्कृष्ट प्रमाण है। प्रागैतिहासिक काल के अन्य अवशेषों के एकाश्म शवाधान के बहुसंख्यक अवशेष रायपुर और दुर्ग जिले में पाए गए हैं।
प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य एवं सांस्कृतिक विविधता का सम्पूर्ण सौंदर्य छत्तीसगढ़ में देखने मिलता है। अंचल में पर्यटकों का निरंतर आना ही देश के घरेलू पर्यटकों के पसंदीदा राज्य के रुप में छत्तीसगढ़ को भारत में 10 वें नम्बर पर स्थापित करता है। केरल, हिमाचल, गोवा, उत्तराखंड जैसे पर्यटन के लिए स्थापित राज्यों को पछाड़ते हुए कम अवधि में शीर्ष दस में अपना स्थान बना लेना महत्वपूर्ण है। नवीन राज्य छतीसगढ़ के लिए यह गौरव की बात है कि पर्यटन के क्षेत्र में भी हम उल्लेखनीय प्रगति कर रहे हैं। आईए छत्तीसगढ़ दर्शन के लिए चलें और जाने छत्तीसगढ़ प्रकृति की लाडली संतान क्यों कहा जाता है।
ललित शर्मा
(प्रधान सम्पादक "न्यूज एक्सप्रेस डॉट कॉम)
Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Look
11:17The Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in composition and layout before printing. The Lorem Ipsum is the fake standard text of printing since the 1500s, when an anonymous painter assembled together pieces of text to make a specimen book of text fonts. It has not only survived five centuries, but has also adapted to computer office, without its content being modified. It was popularized in the 1960s through the sale of leaves. Content of Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently, inclusion in text layout applications, such as Aldus PageMaker.
Why use it?
Meaningful is a source of distraction |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences). It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
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Contrary to popular opinion, the Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It finds its roots in a work of classical Latin literature dating from 45 BC. BC, making it 2000 years old. A professor at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, was interested in one of the darkest Latin words, consectetur, extracted from a passage in the Lorem Ipsum, and by studying all the uses of this word in classical literature, The indisputable source of Lorem Ipsum. It comes in fact from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of the "De Finibus Bonorum and Malorum" (Supreme Goods and Supreme Evils) of Cicero. This book, very popular during the Renaissance, is a treatise on the theory of ethics. The first lines of the Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...", come from section 1.10.32. The standard extract of Lorem Ipsum used since the sixteenth century is reproduced below for the curious. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero's "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" are also reproduced in their original version, accompanied by the English translation of H. Rackham (1914).
Several variations of Lorem Ipsum can be found here or there, but most of them have been altered by the addition of humor or random words that do not resemble standard text for a second. If you want to use a passage of the Lorem Ipsum, you must be sure that there is nothing embarrassing hidden in the text. All Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to reproduce the same endless snippet, making lipsum.com the only true Lorem Ipsum generator. Iil uses a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words, in combination of several sentence structures, to generate an irreproachable Lorem Ipsum. The Lorem Ipsum thus obtained contains no repetition, nor contains wacky words, or touches of humor.
It has long been known that working with text that is legible |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
Things That Make You Love Workspaces
14:06The Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in composition and layout before printing. The Lorem Ipsum is the fake standard text of printing since the 1500s, when an anonymous painter assembled together pieces of text to make a specimen book of text fonts. It has not only survived five centuries, but has also adapted to computer office, without its content being modified. It was popularized in the 1960s through the sale of leaves. Content of Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently, inclusion in text layout applications, such as Aldus PageMaker.
Why use it?
Meaningful is a source of distraction |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences). It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
Add caption |
Contrary to popular opinion, the Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It finds its roots in a work of classical Latin literature dating from 45 BC. BC, making it 2000 years old. A professor at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, was interested in one of the darkest Latin words, consectetur, extracted from a passage in the Lorem Ipsum, and by studying all the uses of this word in classical literature, The indisputable source of Lorem Ipsum. It comes in fact from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of the "De Finibus Bonorum and Malorum" (Supreme Goods and Supreme Evils) of Cicero. This book, very popular during the Renaissance, is a treatise on the theory of ethics. The first lines of the Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...", come from section 1.10.32. The standard extract of Lorem Ipsum used since the sixteenth century is reproduced below for the curious. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero's "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" are also reproduced in their original version, accompanied by the English translation of H. Rackham (1914).
Several variations of Lorem Ipsum can be found here or there, but most of them have been altered by the addition of humor or random words that do not resemble standard text for a second. If you want to use a passage of the Lorem Ipsum, you must be sure that there is nothing embarrassing hidden in the text. All Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to reproduce the same endless snippet, making lipsum.com the only true Lorem Ipsum generator. Iil uses a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words, in combination of several sentence structures, to generate an irreproachable Lorem Ipsum. The Lorem Ipsum thus obtained contains no repetition, nor contains wacky words, or touches of humor.
It has long been known that working with text that is legible |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
Why Mom Was Right About Motor Drivers
14:05The Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in composition and layout before printing. The Lorem Ipsum is the fake standard text of printing since the 1500s, when an anonymous painter assembled together pieces of text to make a specimen book of text fonts. It has not only survived five centuries, but has also adapted to computer office, without its content being modified. It was popularized in the 1960s through the sale of leaves. Content of Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently, inclusion in text layout applications, such as Aldus PageMaker.
Why use it?
Meaningful is a source of distraction |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences). It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
Add caption |
Contrary to popular opinion, the Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It finds its roots in a work of classical Latin literature dating from 45 BC. BC, making it 2000 years old. A professor at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, was interested in one of the darkest Latin words, consectetur, extracted from a passage in the Lorem Ipsum, and by studying all the uses of this word in classical literature, The indisputable source of Lorem Ipsum. It comes in fact from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of the "De Finibus Bonorum and Malorum" (Supreme Goods and Supreme Evils) of Cicero. This book, very popular during the Renaissance, is a treatise on the theory of ethics. The first lines of the Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...", come from section 1.10.32. The standard extract of Lorem Ipsum used since the sixteenth century is reproduced below for the curious. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero's "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" are also reproduced in their original version, accompanied by the English translation of H. Rackham (1914).
Several variations of Lorem Ipsum can be found here or there, but most of them have been altered by the addition of humor or random words that do not resemble standard text for a second. If you want to use a passage of the Lorem Ipsum, you must be sure that there is nothing embarrassing hidden in the text. All Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to reproduce the same endless snippet, making lipsum.com the only true Lorem Ipsum generator. Iil uses a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words, in combination of several sentence structures, to generate an irreproachable Lorem Ipsum. The Lorem Ipsum thus obtained contains no repetition, nor contains wacky words, or touches of humor.
It has long been known that working with text that is legible |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
Is Enjoy The Most Trending Thing Now?
14:04The Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in composition and layout before printing. The Lorem Ipsum is the fake standard text of printing since the 1500s, when an anonymous painter assembled together pieces of text to make a specimen book of text fonts. It has not only survived five centuries, but has also adapted to computer office, without its content being modified. It was popularized in the 1960s through the sale of leaves. Content of Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently, inclusion in text layout applications, such as Aldus PageMaker.
Why use it?
Meaningful is a source of distraction |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences). It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
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Several variations of Lorem Ipsum can be found here or there, but most of them have been altered by the addition of humor or random words that do not resemble standard text for a second. If you want to use a passage of the Lorem Ipsum, you must be sure that there is nothing embarrassing hidden in the text. All Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to reproduce the same endless snippet, making lipsum.com the only true Lorem Ipsum generator. Iil uses a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words, in combination of several sentence structures, to generate an irreproachable Lorem Ipsum. The Lorem Ipsum thus obtained contains no repetition, nor contains wacky words, or touches of humor.
It has long been known that working with text that is legible |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
Here's What People Are Saying About Car
14:02The Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in composition and layout before printing. The Lorem Ipsum is the fake standard text of printing since the 1500s, when an anonymous painter assembled together pieces of text to make a specimen book of text fonts. It has not only survived five centuries, but has also adapted to computer office, without its content being modified. It was popularized in the 1960s through the sale of leaves. Content of Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently, inclusion in text layout applications, such as Aldus PageMaker.
Why use it?
Meaningful is a source of distraction |
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences). It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
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Contrary to popular opinion, the Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It finds its roots in a work of classical Latin literature dating from 45 BC. BC, making it 2000 years old. A professor at Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, was interested in one of the darkest Latin words, consectetur, extracted from a passage in the Lorem Ipsum, and by studying all the uses of this word in classical literature, The indisputable source of Lorem Ipsum. It comes in fact from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of the "De Finibus Bonorum and Malorum" (Supreme Goods and Supreme Evils) of Cicero. This book, very popular during the Renaissance, is a treatise on the theory of ethics. The first lines of the Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...", come from section 1.10.32. The standard extract of Lorem Ipsum used since the sixteenth century is reproduced below for the curious. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero's "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" are also reproduced in their original version, accompanied by the English translation of H. Rackham (1914).
Several variations of Lorem Ipsum can be found here or there, but most of them have been altered by the addition of humor or random words that do not resemble standard text for a second. If you want to use a passage of the Lorem Ipsum, you must be sure that there is nothing embarrassing hidden in the text. All Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to reproduce the same endless snippet, making lipsum.com the only true Lorem Ipsum generator. Iil uses a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words, in combination of several sentence structures, to generate an irreproachable Lorem Ipsum. The Lorem Ipsum thus obtained contains no repetition, nor contains wacky words, or touches of humor.
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).
It has long been known that working with text that is legible and meaningful is a source of distraction and prevents focusing on the layout itself. The advantage of the Lorem Ipsum on a generic text like 'From text. Of text. Of text.' Is that it has a distribution of letters more or less normal, and in any case comparable with that of standard French. Many layout software suites or web publishers have made Lorem Ipsum their fake text by default, and a search for 'Lorem Ipsum' will take you to many sites that are still in their phase of development. construction. Several versions appeared with time, sometimes by accident, often intentionally (to add little winks, even embarrassing sentences).